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Synopsis: Joe and Beth, two serial killers, meet at Edgemare, a corrupt institution for the criminally insane. Despite their unusual circumstances, Joe and Beth develop a strong relationship. One day, Joe escapes from the institution, but Beth is stuck inside. Confused and somewhat a misfit, Joe goes back to the apartment he lived his whole life in. While he is away, the staff at Edgemare tortures Beth, trying to find out where Joe is. But Joe discovers he can't be without Beth. He comes back to the institution and, along with Beth and the other inmates, goes on a rampage, freeing all the patients. Joe and Beth leave Edgemare and search for a place where they can start life fresh and get away from all the stuff that drove them crazy to begin with.

Directed By: C.W. Cressler Genre: Horror
Cast: Jeff Fahey,
Kellie Waymire
Year of Production: 2003


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Maniacts (DVD, R)

Region: 1
Released: May-27-2003
Run Time: 92 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on June 19, 2008)

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