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Big Comfy Couch: You Can Do It / I Feel Good

Synopsis: You Can Do It Molly! Learning to do something new-like climbing the stairs-can be a little scary, even to dolls. Loonette helps Molly try with a song, "A Step In the Right Direction." Molly does and it is a day for celebration with Granny's best biscuits and the last jar of ginger beet jelly which is down in the-gulp!-root cellar. Loonette has to take her own advice and take a deep breath and go for it. I Feel Good Loonette and Molly like their bodies. Loonette's favorite is her nose no matter how big or red it is! But Molly loves her bellybutton best. Feeling good about yourself is the lesson for Major Bedhead who worries about his spare tire. Until silly Bedhead discovers it really IS a spare tire...for his unicycle!

Directed By: Rob Mills, Wayne Moss Genre: Animation / Kids
Cast: Ramona Gilmour-Darling, Jackie Harris, Grindl Kuchirka, Jani Lauzon,
Robert Mills, Fred Stinson, Bob Stutt
Year of Production: 1995


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Big Comfy Couch: You Can Do it Molly/I Feel Good, The
Big Comfy Couch: You Can Do it Molly/I Feel Good, The (DVD, NR)

Region: 1
Released: Jan-6-2004
Run Time: 50 minutes

The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on March 30, 2007)

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